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RRL Criteria
1 Developers have been identified, but no rights have been determined. Product developers have been identified and their responsibilities have been determined, but they have not considered or determined the rights for the product.
2 Developers are discussing rights that comply with their organizational policies. Relevant policies of developers have been reviewed for applicability to intellectual property rights, but no agreements have been proposed. Rights are not specified.
3 Rights agreements have been proposed to developers. Each developer has received a draft intellectual property rights agreement that would result from cooperative activities with other developers. Rights are not specified.
4 Developers have negotiated on rights agreements. Developers have reviewed proposals from each of the other developers and have proposed an agreement that addresses any potential conflicts in the proposed intellectual property rights and responsibilities for development. A limited rights statement has been drafted and developers may be contacted to negotiate rights for reuse.
5 Agreement on ownership, limited reuse rights, and recommended citation. Developers have agreed on proposed ownership, limited intellectual property rights for reuse, and responsibilities. Order of developers‟ names, recommended citation, and agreements have been formalized. Developers may be contacted to obtain formal statements on restricted rights for reuse.
6 Developer list, recommended citation, and rights statements have been drafted. Agreements on development responsibilities, the list of developers, a recommended citation, and intellectual property rights statements, offering limited rights for reuse have been drafted and are included in package. Developers
7 Developer list and limited rights statement included in product prototype. A list of developers, recommended citation, and intellectual property rights statements, including copyright or ownership statements, are embedded in the source code of the product, in the documentation, and in the expression of the software upon execution. These include any legal language that has been approved by all parties or their representatives, machine-readable code expressing intellectual property, and concise statements in language that can be understood by laypersons, such as a pre-written, recognizable license. Brief statements are available describing limited rights, restrictions, and conditions for reuse. Developers may be contacted to negotiate additional rights.
8 Recommended citation and intellectual property rights statement included in product. All parties have reviewed the list of developers, recommended citation, and intellectual property rights statements, including limited rights for reuse, in the product to ensure that all interests are represented and that the statements conform to their institutional policies and agreements. Brief statements are available describing unrestricted rights and any conditions for reuse. Developers may be contacted to obtain formal rights statements.
9 Statements describing unrestricted rights, recommended citation, and developers embedded into product. Multiple statements are embedded into the product describing unrestricted rights and any conditions for reuse, including commercial reuse, and the recommended citation. The list of developers is embedded in the source code of the product, in the documentation, and in the expression of the software upon execution. The intellectual property rights statements are expressed in legal language, machine-readable code, and in concise statements in language that can be understood by laypersons, such as a pre-written, recognizable license.