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RRL Criteria
1 Not designed with modularity. Research or prototype-grade code written with no designs for organizing code in terms of functionality for modularity or reuse.
3 Modularity at major system or subsystem level only. No clear distinctions between generic and solution-specific functionality; few internal functions accessible by external programs (i.e., closed architecture), limited distinction between visible functions; code is organized into a primary system that provides general functionality and one or two subsystems that each provide multiple, unrelated, functions; code within each module contains many independent logical paths.
5 Partial segregation of generic and specific functionality. Top to bottom structuring into individual components that provide functions or services to outside entities (i.e., open architecture); internal functions or services documented, but not consistently; modules have been created for generic functions, but modules have not been created for all of the specified functions; code within each module contains many independent logical paths.
7 Clear delineations of specific and reusable components. Organization of all components into libraries or service registries; consistent documentation of all libraries as APIs or standard web service interfaces; modules have been created for all specified functions and organized into libraries with consistent features within interfaces; code within each module contains many independent logical paths.
9 All functions and data encapsulated into objects or accessible through web service interfaces. All functions and data encapsulated into objects or accessible through web service interfaces; consistent error handling; use of generic extensions to program languages for stronger type checking and compilation-time error checking; services available externally, e.g., in “third-party” service workflows; code within each module contains few independent logical paths.