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RRL Criteria
1 The software is not portable. No source code or instructions for customization are provided. Executable binaries are provided and there are known severe limitations for running it on the hardware or operating system. There is only minimal information on installation or use. There is no information on porting to another platform or application.
2 Some parts of the software may be portable. Some source code is provided with some internal and external documentation. Binaries are provided and there is some documentation on how to install the software. There is no useful information on porting. Porting is prohibitively expensive, but some portions (e.g. modules, functions) of the code may be portable.
3 The software is only portable with significant costs. The complete source code is available, without external dependencies that are portable, but the software cannot be ported without significant changes to the software or the target context. Documentation on porting the code to another platform or application is missing or deficient. Porting would not be practical or cost effective.
4 The software may be portable at a reasonable cost. The cost benefits of using the software slightly outweigh the cost of developing new software. Documentation is barely sufficient, but may contain some useful information on porting to another platform or application. Porting will nonetheless require significant effort. Only at this level is it generally worth considering porting the software.
5 The software is moderately portable. The software can be ported with only relatively small changes necessary to the context or the software itself. Documentation on porting exists and is complete, but requires considerable effort and expertise. Some rudimentary understanding of the underlying software or the target system may be necessary.
6 The software is portable. The software can be ported to most major systems without modification. The documentation, however, addresses porting to a large number of systems that are identified. Any modifications needed to port the software to these systems are well described in the documentation and would be relatively easy to implement.
7 The software is highly portable. The software can be ported to all but the most obscure or obsolete systems without modification. The documentation is complete and thorough. No changes to the software are necessary and the effort to port the software is minimal.
9 The software is completely portable. The software can be ported to all systems since it runs on an application layer rather than on the underlying operating system layer. Such software is written in languages Java, C#, etc. In theory at least, the software will run on any system in which the appropriate application layer has been installed.